A place to have your say and make change happen
We meet on a regular basis to bring everyone together to discuss the major issues affecting our communities and our experiences of using LRMN services.
Join usSharing experiences
We believe that people with lived experience are the experts. Their lives have given them insight and knowledge that can help make LRMN an even better organisation and change wider society.
The Community Forum is a place for everyone to share their experiences and views about services at LRMN and any wider issues affecting them, and help make change happen by campaigning for change or getting involved in LRMN.
Making participation easy
We want to make it as easy as possible for the people we work with to participate. That’s why we do cover some expenses that they may need to attend this group. If anyone has any other needs – such as childcare, limited availability – we are happy to discuss how we can work with them.
Want to join?
If you are an LRMN service user, please fill in this form and we will get in touch with you about all the details. Can’t fill in the form? Email comms@lrmn.org.uk for help.