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Free and confidential advice

Our advisers understand that having an immigration problem can be extremely stressful. Therefore, we offer knowledgeable and sympathetic service to our clients up to OISC Level 3.

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Who do we support?

Our advice services are open to people from refugee, asylum seeker and migrant backgrounds, who are vulnerable, destitute and have children living in Lewisham and neighbouring boroughs. We run a hybrid service, offering both phone and face-to-face advice. 

High level advice

Our advisers understand that having an immigration problem can be extremely stressful. Therefore, we offer a knowledgeable and sympathetic service to our clients up to OISC Level 3. All of our advisers are either certified by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) or the Law Society and have many years of experience in immigration advice.

Our advice services include:

  • Further Leave to Remain applications

  • Indefinite Leave to Remain applications

  • Windrush Applications

  • Applications for Recourse to Public Funds/ Change of conditions

  • EEA (European Economic Area) applications

  • Basic asylum advice

  • Survivors of domestic violence and/or trafficking

  • Representation at appeals to the First Tier and Upper Tribunals (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).

Lucy’s story

In 1999, Lucy* lost her passport. She knew that without it, she couldn’t get a job, couldn’t pay her taxes and couldn’t get help from the government. So she contacted the Home Office. But they said they had no record of her. How could that be? She thought. I have been here since I was 9 years old. I am part of the Windrush generation. Over 20 years later, Lucy is almost 60 years old and has battled homelessness, alcoholism, violence and abuse. At the same time, she fought to regain her passport. She tirelessly lobbied her MPs, Prime Ministers and even spoke on Channel 4 news.

With help from LRMN, she finally received her British passport. We also helped her access housing, further studies and counselling which she described as “life saving help”. Lucy is passionate about her studies and is determined to achieve her dreams of becoming a carer. And we will continue to help her along the way there.

*Names changed.